Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Sejarah Gerakan Pramuka seri 50th


Vidio di atas berisi tentang:

a. Latar Belakang Lahirnya Gerakan Pramuka

b. Lahirnya Gerakan Pramuka

c. Kiprah dan Perkembangan Pramuka selama 50th

d. Pramuka Siaga

e. Pramuka Penggalang

 f. Jambore


 Pada tahun 1823 di Amerika ditemukan abjad Morse. Penemu huruf Morse adalah Samuel Morse. Huruf ini digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi yang bersifat rahasia. 

 Agar tercipta komunikasi , maka diperlukan alat Morse sbb:

a. Bendera

Cara berkomunikasi dengan bendera yakni melakukan dengan kibaran pendek dan panjang.

b. Api atau Bateray

Cara berkomunikasi dengan api atau bateray yakni menghidupkan nyala api atau cahaya bateray dengan panjang dan pendek.

c. Tulisan dan Angka



Smaphore adalah alat komunikasi dua arah berbentuk dua bendera, masing-masing bendera bertangkai. Warnanya yang sering di pakai adalah warna merah atau kuning. Berikut praktek contoh smaphora.

Bendera: Ukuran 40 x 40 cm

                 Warna (kanan dan kiri)

                 Merah-Kuning bersilang

Tongkat: Panjang 50 cm

Tujuan, Prinsip dan Perlengkapan P3K

a.Tujuan P3K

Arti P3K (Pencegah Pertolongan Pertama Kecelakaan) adalah memberi bantuan sementara pada si korban kecelakaan sebelum mendapat pemeriksaan insentif dari dokter ahli.

Tujuannya yaitu:

1. pelatihan dan pendidikan praktis untuk menangani  si korban kecelakaan dengan cepat, tepat dan benar

2. Menyelamatkan jiwa si korban kecelakaan

3. Pencegahan pada perusakan organ

4. Memberi bantuan pertolongan secara spontan dengan tepat.

b. Prinsip P3K

1. Bergerak cepat, tepat, benar dan hati-hati

2. Mempertimbangkan situasi dan kondisi dengan tepat

c. Perlengkapan P3K

1. Usungan

2. Pembalut

3. Kasa steril

4. Sneverband

5. Kapas putih bersih

Baris Berbaris

a.Kegiatan baris-berbaris tergolong latihan dasar yang dapat menumbuhkan makna berikut:



3. Rasa Keindahan

 b. Macam-macam aba-aba

Aba-aba adalah perintah, komando, isyarat. Ada tiga aba-aba yang dikenal sbb:

1. Aba-aba petunjuk

2. Aba-aba peringatan

3. Aba-aba pelaksanaan.

c. Bentuk baris-berbaris sbb:

1. Berderet

2. Angkare

3. Lingkaran Besar

4. Lingkaran Kecil

5. Setengah Lingkaran

6. Berbanjar

7. Kolone terbuka dan tertutup

8. Roda

9. Selat atau gapura

10. Panah 

11. Perlombaan


Api Unggun

Api Unggun biasanya digunakan untuk menghangat tubuh  dari serangan hawa dingin, ketika bermalam di alam terbuka. Bisa juga api unggun yang dikelilingi beberapa orang untuk digunakan diskusi.

Disamping manfaat api unggun untuk senang-senang , hura-hura, bermusyawarah tukar pendapat, rekreasi yang melibatkan beberapa orang.

Kumpul-kumpul di arena api unggun tersirat nilai-nilai moral sbb:

 a. Memperkokoh tali persaudaraan

b. Menumbuhkan rasa gotong royong

c. Menjalin rasa kesetiakawanan

d. Melepas ketegangan atau mengurangi stress

e. Sarana rekreasi yang murah dan meriah

f. Membuat suasana riang gembira dan kebebasan yang dilandasi batas norma kesopanan.

Ada dua bentuk api unggun yaitu:

1. Api Unggun Asli, adalah api unggun yang terbuat dari bahan bakar kayu alami yang kering yang di adakan di alam bebas terbuka. Misalnya: hutan di saat kegiatan perkemahan.

2. Api Unggun Tiruan (Imitasi), adalah api unggun yang terbuat dari bukan dari kayu alami, melainkan bahan pilihan yang diadakan di ruangan rumahyang biasanya digunakan pada musim hujan atau misim dingin>

Senin, 25 November 2013

History of The Indonesian Scout Movement

Scout Movement was born in 1961 , so if you would listen to background of the Scout Movement , one needs to assess the situation , the incident and the events around 1960 .

Of expression that has been described before we see that the number of scouting associations in Indonesia at that time very much . That number mismatch with the total number of members of  society .

Regulations that arise during this planting is MPRS No. II/MPRS/1960 , dated December 3, 1960 on the national development plan . This provision can be found in Article 330 . C. which states that basic education in the field scouting is Pancasila . So controlling about scouting ( Article 741 ) and education intensified scouting and agree that the Government plans to establish Scouting ( Article 349 Paragraph 30 ) . Then scouting to be freed from the remnants of Lord Baden Powellisme ( Appendix C Section 8 ) .

The statutes provide that the obligation of the Government to implement . That's why Pesiden / Mandatory MPRS on March 9, 1961 to collect figures and leaders of Indonesian scouting movement , housed at the State Palace . On Thursday evening that President revealed that the existing scouting must be renewed , methods and educational activities must be replaced , the entire existing scouting organizations merged into one called Scout . The President also appointed a committee consisting of lane IX , P and K Minister Prof . Prijono , Minister of Agriculture Dr.A. Aziz Saleh and Transmigration Minister , Cooperative and Rural Community Development , Achmadi . This committee certainly need something ratification . And then come a Presidential Decree No.112 of 1961 dated 5 April 1961 , on the Establishment Committee Assistant Scout Executive with the structure of the membership as called for by the President on March 9, 1961 .

There are differences between the designations or committee duties the President's speech with the Presidential Decree .

Still in April it too , came out of Presidential Decree No. 121 of 1961 dated 11 April 1961 on the Establishment Committee of the Scout Movement . Members of this committee consist of lane IX , Prof. . Prijono , Dr . A. Aziz Saleh , Achmadi and Muljadi Djojo Martono ( Minister of Social Affairs ) .

The committee is then process the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement , as Attachment Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961 , dated May 20, 1961 about the Scout Movement .

Scout Movement was marked by a series of interrelated events , namely :

Speech of President / Mandatory before the Assembly leaders and scout leaders representing organizations located in Indonesia on March 9, 1961 at the State Palace . This event is referred to as the SCOUT MOVEMENT DAY SHOOTS
Issuance of Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961 , dated May 20, 1961 , on the set of the Scout Movement Scout Movement as the only organization that is assigned scouting scouting provide education for the children and youth of Indonesia, as well as certify the Scout Movement Statutes guiding , instructions and a handle for the managers of the Scout Movement in carrying out their duties . May 20 is the date ; National Awakening Day , but for the Scout Movement has a special meaning and represents a milestone for education in the third . This event was later named BEGINNING OF WORKING DAY .
Statement representatives scouting organization in Indonesia that willingly merged into the organization of the Scout Movement , performed at the Senayan Sports Palace on July 30, 1961 . This event is referred to as the SCOUT MOVEMENT DAY pledge .
Inaugural Mapinas , Kwarnas and Kwarnari at the State Palace , followed by a procession Scouts to be introduced to the public were preceded by the conferment Panji - Panji Scout Movement , and all of this happened on the date August 14, 1961 . This event was later named SCOUT DAY .